Sunday, 21 December 2008

Day 8 - so begins the second week in the land of no!no!

Day 8, Week 2, Session 4.

They do say (repeatedly) that success depends on your commitment to the treatment program.
I can say that it is already getting old, but I'm going to try to stick to 3 times a week for at least the first 6 weeks. Then maybe i can drop back to twice a week.

Time: 60 minutes.
The "Roll out of bed and plug in the no!no!" approach isn't working for me. I just don't wake up that fast.
New plan: Make tea, make lunch and drink tea, THEN no!no! and shower.

Result: Smoother than last couple of times.
Tried to be more thorough with the stubble blade, so i probably over no!no!d. But if that is what it takes...

- So much skin-dust from buffering! Presumably because i didn't moisturise last night.
- Tried to no!no! my big toes. It worked, eventually, but it is very hard to get the glide action going on such a small area. It seemed like a good idea at the time.


  1. HI Pip

    I hope you are ready to have dozens of people rubbing you legs at your wedding.. That could get creepy.

    Taffs (who still needs a reverse no!no!).

  2. creepy or...

    yeah. just creepy really.

    hi Taffs!
